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Life is a journey. It spans from one milestone to another, from one decision making crossroad of destiny to another. At every turn we have to make a choice. There is a saying that our choices define us, who we truly are. I do not entirely agree with this sayng, but I agree that we interpret ourselves within the framework of our own choice, and sometimes this takes a person further away from understanding who he or she really is? It doesn't define us, only gives a perspective.
I realized that on various stages of life, only few choose their authentic truth of self. What we undestand as self is preconditioned set of values and priorities. I am not arguing that they are bad, however, often, what "seems" as right is not always about truth. Which is very hard to face.
So, I believe, this is a main difference between divine and unconditional love. The two are not the same.
So here's another question. How often do we break our own hearts by making choices that are not in-line with our inner Truth?
I decided to explore various myths with helpful books listed below.
Myth 1
I'm a bad person, I deserve punishment.
Myth 2
I don't deserve love and respect.
Myth 3
I am a shame.
Myth 4
I can't and I don't know how to accept love and respect.
Myth 5
All my choices are wrong.
Myth 6
I have to hide, I am a failure and I don't want to be discovered.
Myth 7
Others deserve more than me.
Now take a moment and choose myths that resonated with you. For example Myth 7 "Others deserve more than me." Now, let's imagine a person who tells you this. What is he or she are like? What does he/she wear? Next, start journalling an interview with that person. Use your creative writing. Ask the personage.
"Where do you come from?"
"What personal circumstance formed your belief?"
"Is there any truth to this belief?"
This is a very brief introduction to one method in Narrative Psychology called Projecting. It explores fragments of wounded parts of human soul.
Not being able to accept divine love is a very important wound.
Here's a list of books that may help on this topic.
Жизнь это путешествие от одного перекрестка судьбы к другому. На каждом повороте мы обязаны сделать выбор. В фильме я услышала что выбор дается нелеко потому что он нас определяет. Я с этим не совсем согласна но я согласна с тем что мы интерпретируем себя в рамках своего выбора и порой это еще дальше уводит человека от понимания кто Я?
И я поняла что на разных этапах судьбы мало людей выбирают свою настоящую правду. А это божественную и безусловную любовь к себе. Где я не проявляю божественную любовь к себе?Я первая в списке тех кто сама себе разбивала сердце. Опять же в просторах интернета я прочитала что когда мы проявляем безусловную и божественную любовь к себе это и есть настоящее служение. И в самом деле. Что такое любить себя? Об этом и пойдет речь и поделиться инсайтами с вами.
Я постараюсь исследовать и пролить свет на самые глубинные стахи которые появляются у человека во время перемен и ситуаций в которых наружу выходит весь шлак. Я развею миф о том что затавляет челвека застревать в деструктивных убеждениях от котрых жизнь становится сложной.
Миф 1.
Я настолько ужасна что меня нельзя любить.
Миф 2.
Я это позор, мелкое жалкое существо.
Миф 3.
Я не умею принимать хорошее отношение к себе.
Миф 4
Мне внушили что тот выбор который принимаю я неправильный.
Миф 5.
Я человек второго сорта. Неудачник.
Миф 6.
Я не заслуживаю любви. Что он/она во мне нашел/a.
Миф 7.
Люди считают меня фальшивым лицемером у которого слова не совпадают с делами.
Я достойна любви.
Вы можете создатьдневник по тому мифу который вам больше всего подходит и который вы хотите отработать. Вы можете записывать мысли, идеи, цитаты и инсайты которые пришли во время этого духовного путешествия. Так как мы занимаемся в формате книгжного клуба, я рекомендую приобретсти книгу Джона Буньяна Путешествие Пиллигрима, книгу Джуди Карте История Меня. Найдите специалиста работающего с блоготерапией, нарративной терапии и сказкатерапия и решение проблем через метафорические карты.
Karmic Patterns (Movie spoiler alert).
In my professional life, I always end up with a foe at work. So, usually, I walk away. I thought that grass would be greener elsewhere.......until..... I had a rude awakening.
In my life, one situation is repeated twice. I thought that I would run away from the problem by changing jobs. However, I ran into the same problem.
My professional environment has a lot of competition and a lack of resources. So, it is a perfect environment for people to show their worst qualities.
Those who have been in the industry for a long time have lost their sensitivity to the boundaries of others. Some even compromised their moral and ethical standards.
I was very puzzled about how to maintain my virtues in situations that are not win-win. I was so exhausted and overwhelmed by my work that it made me depressed. I lost interest in things I liked before, and my meaning of life didn't make sense.
Luckily, I am a spiritual person, and I started to pray and ask for spiritual guidance.
I was reminded to watch the movie Kingdom of Heaven (2005). Bailian, a knight could have saved the city Jerusalem from death and destruction if he chose Sybilla, the married woman. He was promised not to worry about her husband and his life.
Bailian respected sacred contracts and refused. It was his virtue. He gave up on the woman he loved and refused a murder of her husband. Eventually Sybilla's wicked husband started a war and promoted even more violence. More lives were taken. So, do you spare a murders life or do you kill him and spare lives of many in the future?
Where is virtue?
A few days ago, I watched an amazing interview with an Indian woman who had a very tough life. She said that when we don't see purpose in life, it's because at this specific moment, we are learning some wisdom. The purpose of every soul is to seek wisdom in hard situations.
So, me too, I have to stand up against a wicked boss. I am looking for wisdom. I know the system will win even if I am right.
However, the king Baldwin words resonate.
January 2023
Balian and King Baldwin chess speech: "When you stand before God, you cannot say, 'But I was told by others to do thus.' Or that, 'Virtue was not convenient at the time.' This will not suffice. Remember that." Kingdom of Heaven (2005), dir. Ridley Scott
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